September is Suicide Awareness Month,
but this information is relevant year-round.

1 in 5 Americans struggle with mental health
Suicide Warning Signs
If a person talks about:
killing themselves
feeling hopeless
having no reason to live
being a burden to others
feeling trapped
unbearable pain
Behaviors that may signal risk:
increased use of alcohol or drugs
looking for a wat to end their lives
withdrawing from activities
isolating from family and friends
sleeping too much or too little
visiting or calling people to say goodbye
giving away prized possessions
People who are considering suicide often display one of more of the following moods:
loss of interest
relief/sudden improvement
Resources & Tools
Take a screener here
Visit the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation for additional information
Suicide Risk Factors
mental health condition
physical disability or illness
traumatic brain injury
access to lethal means​
prolonged stress
relationship problems
harassment or bullying
unemployment or financial crisis
life transitions
loss of family member or closed friend
exposure to another person's suicide
previous suicide attempts​
family history of suicide
childhood abuse, neglect, or trauma
Suicide Prevention Tips​
Talk about your experience
Take training courses on mental health and suicide prevention
Donate to suicide prevention research
Sign up as a suicide prevention field advocate for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Helping people with basic needs – food insecurity, housing, healthcare
Destigmatizing mental health care
Support skill building programs
Support family relationship programs
Creating a culture that is inclusive to and understanding of the struggles faced by LGBTQ+, minority racial and ethnic groups, people with chronic illness, people with disabilities, veterans, and other at-risk groups